Hyped for High School

How many times have you been excited for something?  I’ve been meditating on the fact that I’m going to high school next year, and it greatly excites me.  There are many things in high school that differ from grade school, but I have highlighted the three that stand out.  I think the three most notable things that excite me are meeting a lot of new people, all of the new experiences, and all of the freedom in classes and extracurricular activities.

Firstly, I’m excited to meet new people.  One of the main concerns of most freshmen that are starting high school is that they aren’t going to make any friends.  I’m not very worried about this because I know that I’ll eventually make some new friends.  One of the benefits that will come from having new friends in high school is that there will be a lot of new perspectives on things.  One person might like sports, another might like food,  and someone else might like math.  Another change for me will be the teachers.  Right now I only have one main teacher, and three others that teach a certain class, so I think that having one teacher for one specific subject will be nice.  Because I will have so many teachers, I can see many different teaching strategies, as I’m considering becoming a teacher when I’m older.  Next, there are a lot of new experiences in high school compared to grade school.  One of the different experiences is walking to new classes.  I think that it will be a little stressful at first trying to get to class, but I think that it’ll be fun after I get used to it.  Another one of the new experiences is block scheduling.  FVL uses block scheduling where you have four classes on Mondays and Thursdays, the other four on Tuesdays and Fridays, and all eight classes on Wednesdays.  I think that this new type of scheduling will help me on my academic journey.  The third and final reason that I’m excited for high school is all of the freedom in the classes and extracurricular activities.  In high school you can choose some of the classes that you take while in grade school you have to take the classes that the teacher instructs.  In high school there are also a lot more  classes that you can take.  You could learn about skills that are applicable to life like cooking, wood and metal working, computer science, and much more.  In grade school there are a few extracurricular activities like basketball, cross country, and volleyball to name a few.  In high school they offer a much wider variety of sports like wrestling, golf, hockey, and even eSports!

To sum it up, there are a lot of opportunities that high school has to offer.  The main points that I have spotlighted in this paper are all of the new people I’ll meet, all of the new experiences I’ll have, and the amount of freedom high school has compared to grade school.  I’m very excited to go to high school, as most eighth graders are, and am excited for everything that life brings me there.

3 thoughts on “Hyped for High School

  1. I agree with the fact that math is the best subject. I also like the other subjects that you chose to write about.

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